Memory Smells (not to be confused with my memory stinks)

I sit here writing this covered in Vicks Vaporub.  I generally hate the smell because if I smell like that, it means I'm sick.  And I am.  But it also reminds me of my mom.  I can remember my mom slathering that on me, covering the affected area with a handkerchief so it wouldn't make my clothes smell (I'm pretty sure that didn't work).  Later, my friend who grew up in Estonia and had tricks for every ailment taught me that Vicks on the bottom of your feet covered by socks also helps.  It works.  My mom didn't know that.

As I lay in bed last night, feeling a combination of sorry for myself because I'm sick and sorry for myself because I can't call my mom and get the care that only a mom can give, I thought about other smells that mean something to me.

The first one is Lysol spray.  I have no idea why but this always smelled like my Grandpa's after shave cologne.  I know it wasn't his cologne but for reasons I can't explain, when I smell that one particular scent, it reminds me of him.  Weird, I know.

Roses remind me of going to the rose garden in Allentown with my mom and grandparents.  I haven't been there in close to 40 years but I still think of it.

White bread, which I generally don't eat, means tunafish on toast which sounds disgusting and probably is in reality but was my favorite, again when I was sick or sad or in need of comfort.  I have never made it myself because making a roux and adding tuna and then spreading that over toast sounds gross.  But it was sooo good.

The Philadelphia Subway.  It is a horrendous combination of smells that includes but is not limited to urine, sweat, food from days long past and I don't know what else.  It is thoroughly disgusting.  Yet when I smell it, I feel half like I might vomit and half comfortable.  Like oh, I know this.  But it's more gross than good.

Geneva has a smell I can't quite describe. I love that it became familiar and happy to me. I miss it.

I think my favorite smell is the Jersey Shore, Ocean City, specifically.  All beaches, at least on the East Coast, have that beach smell.  I love everything about it.  But OC has other smells.  There's pizza, cheeseteaks, cigarettes, carmel corn and sunscreen all mixed in with the air that is New Jersey. I. Love. It.  Maybe I'll get to smell it again this year.  




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