Ten Year Challenge

Generally speaking, I refuse to play all the games and challenges I see on facebook.  I don't really think anyone cares enough about me to try to steal my identity and if they do, they'll get what they deserve.  That said, I don't want to make it easy for anyone so I steer clear of most of that stuff.

I've been watching folks post about the 10 year challenge.  I don't really need to post pics because I post a lot of them and y'all know I've aged.  We don't need to talk about that.

I think about other things when I think of the difference between now and 10 years ago.  Mostly I am grateful for where I am in life right now.  The biggest difference is how much calmer I am.  I'm sure my brother would laugh at that - as would a lot of people who know me.  While my life is full of drama (hello!  I have two dramatic daughters!), I am calmer than I was.  I am no longer fearful of what's going to happen next.  Am I going to upset my spouse?  Are we going to be able to pay all the bills?  What's the next medical challenge that will happen to one of us?  Who is going to be disappointed (my kids or my mom) because I can't be two places at once?  I don't have any of that drama any more.

Ten years ago I was separated from my first husband and had already met the man who will soon be my second.  I have no interest in slamming my first spouse but I can say my life is much, much better now.  There is no fear and no yelling and very little stress.  I'm a very lucky person.

Ten years ago, I was a freelance interpreter and had just started my own company, Capital Sign Language. This year, I have a regular job (no more furloughs!  no more work stoppages!).  I get good benefits and a decent salary.  I miss my freedom (every single day) but the tradeoff is working for me.

Ten years ago my girls were 10 years old.  It was a fun time.  I often wondered what they'd be like when they were older.  And I worried about college.  Where would they go and how would I afford it?  Now, still fun - but in a different way - they are almost done with college.  They've turned out to be super smart and nice people.  I am quite proud of them.

What will the next ten years hold?  I likely won't be able to retire quite yet.  I will hopefully be splitting my time between living in or near this area and living at a beach.  I will be celebrating my 10 year wedding anniversary with my husband.  We will hopefully all be living happily ever after.  That's the goal anyway.



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