It's Good To Have Goals - Groundhog Day Edition

 I'm pretty sure I have started the last few years of writing this blog with some variation of "I should/will write/publish more."  The truth is, I write with some frequency.  I just don't publish a lot of what I write because it's either depressing, sad, repetitive or boring.

So maybe this year I'll endeavor to publish more and not be grumpy and boring.  You'll have to tell me if I succeed in that goal.

I try not to make new year's resolutions because I don't believe I have ever seen one to fruition.  I bail after a few weeks.  Yeah, I don't make it to a few months.  Maybe this year will be different?  Yeah, I know it probably won't.

I posted on facebook (with the idea that writing it and making it public would force me to do something) a few goals.  Here's what I came up with:

1. Lessen the load. It's time to get rid of things I've been holding on to. My mother doesn't need her things anymore and there's no reason to keep things from my previous life. So out it goes. I've taken so much stuff to the thrift store that the guys laughed the last time they saw me. It was the 4th trip in one day.
2. Make an effort to make new friends. I love my friends but everyone is busy and most don't like to do the things I do so I'm alone a lot. It's not good for me. Meeting people, especially during a pandemic, is hard.
3. Health. It's time to take some shit seriously. I'm not particularly afraid of dying but I am afraid of living after something bad happens. Time to take control.
4. Fun. I don't have much fun these days. I work and I make things (which is fun but limited). I signed up for an art class (super excited about that) and could have signed up for more. But baby steps.

The day I posted this, I found a vintage card catalog on fb marketplace and bought it.  It's in the back of my car because it's too heavy for me to lift alone.  So much for load lessening.  BUT I did get rid a bunch of things so that sort of counts.

What else have I done?  I registered for an art class (that's a combo effort for #2 and #4).  I'm actually excited about that.  AND someone I don't see with any regularity reached out and invited me to a different art workshop.  That's progress!  I'm going.  That means I'm going to have to put pants on and leave my house!  I'll even get to talk to people!

Baby steps.



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