I Sound Like My Grandma

Yesterday was a beautiful day so Andrew and I walked around Lake Artemesia.  As we were walking and looking at the leaves, the fish, the lily pads and the like, I couldn't help but remember walking around the Sligo Creek trail with my kids.  I thought about how grateful I am that my kids were little before the time when everyone had a phone, ipad, leapfrog, etc.  I wonder if they're remember the things I do.

Like the regular game of tell me what you see in the clouds.  Now, tell me a story about it.

Like the game of how many different leaves and different colors can we find?  What shall we make with them?  (We had lots of pretty leaf bookmarks and window decorations.)

Like the game of how old is that (fallen) tree?  How high can you count?

Like the game of tell me a story.

I know I sound judgemental and I really am trying not to be.  But I am glad that my kids grew up with limited screen time and have good imaginations. I miss those days of not having to battle about their phones.  I miss the days when we had fun all day.


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