A Week in My Life: Monday

Monday is never a day I look forward to.  At least not most of the time.  Today wasn't a stellar day.

My day started at 2:05 am.  That's when my phone started rebooting and yelling DROID at me.  That continued every 5 minutes until 3 when I just couldn't take any more.  I don't care if I'm on call.  I need sleep!  So off went the phone.

Then the alarm started to taunt me at 6:30.  It took a while for me to realize I was not dreaming this.  It was really time to wake up.  Waking the girls up is always fun (not).

Pumpkin pancakes made.  Coffee made.  We're ready to go to school.  Then work.  Starting out in Silver Spring, ending up in Gaithersburg.  Driving back to Silver Spring.....it's a lot of time on the road.

On Sunday we designated Monday night an early-to-bed night.  A last minute change of dinner menu because M has a Very Loose Tooth.  Afraid it will come out mid-bite, she asked for soup.  Easy enough.  So it's dinner and a tv show or two and it's bed time - early tonight!  8:30!  I love that!


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