A week in the life: Wednesday

Wednesday is Zombie day.

Not the I-didn't-get-enough-sleep-so-I'm-walking-around-like-a-zombie kind of zombie day.  I'll explain in a bit.

Our morning routine is pretty standard.  If all is well, nothing changes.  This is exactly what I want. Today was a decent enough morning.  A new cereal made the girls happy.  Coffee makes mom happy.  All is right with the world.

I was able to prove to myself today that I can, indeed, behave like a grown up when needed.  I had a job that made me nervous this morning.  I knew I'd be tired after the Alanis show but I had to voice a presentation for a client I really don't want to disappoint and would be broadcast on through a webinar.  So, yeah, I was nervous.  I ended up rocking the voicing part.  At the end of that part of the presentation, the other interpreter (who was sitting next to me) took over the signing part.  Then there was a smell.  Not a pretty smell.  Oh my god.  Did that interpreter just fart right next to me?  I was trying not to look at her and trying not to show anything on my face.  In front of me was my client, another person with a guide dog and a third person.  I'm trying to figure out the source of the smell that just won't go away.  Finally I realize what's going on.  It's not the interpreter!  It's the dog.  No, I didn't laugh.  I did hear Phoebe (from Friends) in my head singing "Smelly Cat".  (smelly cat, smelly cat.....what are they feeding you?) but I didn't laugh.

That was pretty much the highlight of my day.  That is a sad statement.

I lived through the rest of my work.  I lived through the super speedy talkers with accents who were making 20 minute presentations in 5 minutes.  I thought I talked fast.  I have nothing on those folks.  That was a challenge.  I was missing my uneventful day.  Thankfully it didn't last over 2 hours.

Now here's where the zombie part comes in.  I'm taking the girls to downtown Silver Spring for what was *supposed* to be the Zombie Walk this weekend.  I went with my boyfriend last year and it was fun.  I've been waiting all year to bring the girls.  And they sort of cancelled it.  Grrrrh.  They're welcoming zombies but there's no formal walk.  We're still going all dressed up and we'll see where we land.  But zombie girls need an appropriate zombie outfit.  So off we went to the thrift store.

Should they be school girl zombies?  Prom zombies?  Slumber party zombies?  So many choices!  But there weren't any outfits that seemed just right.  So we quit and went home.  Their dad came up with a great idea.  Remember the movie "The Shining"?  I've never seen it - I can't handle super scary.  Apparently there's twins in it.  With a few adjustments, the girls are going to be those twins in zombie form.  Uh huh.  

That's the goal anyway.  Now, where does one find creepy little blue dresses like that?

The evening ended with one of our favorite activities - a dinner picnic while watching Switched at Birth.  Trader Joe's is my favorite place for finger foods.  Spanikopita and kielbasa made for a nice inside picnic.  Switched At Birth is a challenge for me.  I love the Deaf culture aspect but the sex stuff this season is tough for me.  My kids, of course, don't have a problem with it.  Thankfully I had only one episode recorded and when it was done, it was magically bed time.  Not bad!

All in all, it was a good day.


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