Gap Year

I was talking with a friend of mine the other day and it dawned on me.  I did this life wrong.  Sort of.

I am well aware that I've not done any part of my life the way I thought or the way I should have (at least according to my family and my 15 year old self).  It's not been a shitty life.  I just made it harder than it needed to be.

So back to my friend....we were talking about things and I said I needed a gap year now. DING DING DING!!!

I'm completely fried from the job I'm doing now - running my own business (though I've dwindled that down to barely anything) and managing someone else's business.  That will be over soon enough.  But then what?  I'm taking a few weeks to catch up on things, though nothing exciting.  Doctors appointments, cleaning, unpacking from the move last year.  Turns out, I'm really, really skilled at avoiding things I don't want to do.  Now I'm forcing myself to be a grown up.

Holy hell, Rockhill!  Stay on task.

Gap year.  We encourage kids to take it whilst they decide what they might want to do in college.  That makes sense.  But we don't do it again (unless you're a teacher and you get a sabbatical).  But that's what I need.  Instead of finding a younger partner or getting a flashy red car, why don't people plan for and take a gap year (or a gap month)?  Everyone needs a break.

Or maybe I'm the only one?  I can't judge any more.  I see all the fabulous lives of my friends on facebook, Instagram, snapchat, etc.  I know it's not real but it gets to me after a while. Maybe they're all happy doing what they're doing and they don't need a break?  Am I really the only one who wants to run away and find something fun and exciting to do?  Or the only one who wants to get a house at the beach (a warm one, not during hurricane season) and hide from everyone?  Huh.  I hadn't thought of that.  Maybe I'm the only one.

Or maybe not....


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