When someone told me they were 53, it sounded old.  It still does.  But now that's me.  Fuck. I'm old.

I have not had a good 50s year yet.  I was taking care of my mom through most of my 50th year.  Then she died two weeks before my 51st birthday.  That was a sad year.  I can't tell you much about 52.  It was a busy year.  I moved in with my partner, prepped my kids for college and tried (and failed) to figure out what I want to do with my life.

Fifty three.  Fifty three.  Any way I say it, it sounds old.  This is the first year I feel old.  When I look in the mirror, I'm surprised by what I see.  The stress of the last few years is evident now.  I have lines I didn't have before.  I have two children in COLLEGE.  I'm super proud of them but it still feels weird.  I am old enough to be the parent of several of my interpreters.  That's horrifying.  It's not the first time this has happened to me.  I clearly remember a few years ago when a good friend was talking about her parents.  It occured to me to ask the age of those parents.  They were 5 years older than me.  Five.  Fuck, I'm old.

I'm thinking about making a job change.  Same field, different job.  It will be the place from where I retire.  RETIRE.  I still don't feel like an adult.  How is this possible?

But it is possible.  I've raised two girls who are legally adults.  They've turned out to be fabulous people.

It is possible.  I have a job where I regularly get feedback that the interpreters appreciate what I do.  That's very adult-y.  I'm good at my job.

I have a car and a house (which I share) and all those other adult-ish things.

Holy hell.  I'm an adult.  And a middle aged one at that.

But it beats the alternative, doesn't it?


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