
Showing posts from January, 2018

Life Through Someone Else's Eyes

It's a new year so maybe I'll start writing again.  In fairness, I write a fair amount I don't publish because it's angry or whiny.  Neither is how I want to be remembered. We spent our New Years Eve in Baltimore on a frigid cold night waiting for fireworks.  We went to the Kona Grill as we have in years past.  I love their aquarium and there's something there we all like, so it's a perfect way to end the year. Our waitress was interesting.  At first I guessed she was around my age.  Then I figured she was younger.  She was chatty with my girls.  I thought she was just being friendly but then she talked to us for a bit.  She had a lot of thoughts about the fact my teenage girls were with me on this party night - and they were there voluntarily.  She told us a brief rendition of her life story - pregnant and unmarried at 25, later married with a couple of kids and a step daughter (so I'll assume a divorce and remarriage in there but I...