The Year That Flew By
It doesn't feel like end of the year. It doesn't feel like a year has gone by. But it has. And so much has changed: My kids are in high school. My mom is in a nursing home. I grew a bunch of food. Okay, that's not SO MUCH. That's a kind of short list. But it's all I can come up with. Lots has stayed the same: I worry about my mom (though this year is dramatically different from last year - she's safe now). My dishwasher still doesn't work. I'm still in the same field that I should have left years ago. I'm still living in this house. There's more but that list depresses me. I asked my girls yesterday what personal goals they had for the upcoming year (response: silence) and what accomplishments they had for 2015 (made it to high school, had their first job). It got me to thinking about my own stuff. Personal goals: 1. Keep walking. It's good for me. 2. Maintain life on the healthy track. I miss so...