The Color of Music

I don't like this music (Marillion).
It's metallic colored.
It sounds like silver or gold.

I have to think about that a bit.

What color is Mika (a favorite of theirs).
He's rainbow!

What color are the Beatles?
Elton John is also yellow.

What color is Ozzy Osbourne?

What music is red?
Punk Rock Girl (dead milkmen) is red and black.
I don't know much red.
Also Taylor Swift, but not because the album is titled red.  Country music is red.  Different shades of red.

What music is green?
Green Day!

What music is white?
Wedding music.
I never thought of white music.
Oh!  Celine Dion!

What is One Direction?
Pink for happy music, gray for sad ones.

What color is Jason Derulo?
Dark orange! (said with a scowl!)

What color is Sleeper Agent?
Purple or electric blue!

What color are the Indigo Girls?

What about the music from Frozen?
Blue, white and silver.

Justin Timberlake?
Rainy gray.

Brown or maroon.

Maroon 5?

Imagine Dragons?
Demons is gray.  On top of the world is orange.

I think they're making this up.  But, oddly, I kind of get it.


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