The Dreaded Holiday Music

Anyone who knows me knows I'm a music person.  I love everything about music.  There's a ton of stuff I don't like, sure.  But I like a (semi) wide variety of stuff - and some of that stuff surprises me.

But I hate holiday music.  Maybe it's because I worked in retail for 10 years and hearing it for 12 hours a day for well over a month killed it for me.  It's like maraschino cherries.  I loved those things.  Then when I was in elementary school, I ate an entire jar of them.  I haven't touched one since.  Overkill.

I date a music loving guy.  Sometimes this is awesome (he knew who Jah Wobble is which got this relationship started).  Sometimes it is not awesome (Mellowmas.  Don't know it?  Google it.  If you listen to it all, it's not my fault.).  It is musically never boring.

I don't like the stupid songs - Dominick the Donkey ( , I Want a Hippopotamus for Christmas ( and things like that.  In fact, it's safe to say I hate them.

I have found a few songs I do like.  Take a listen and judge for yourself.

1.     Mary's Boy Child - Boney M. -

2.     Band Aid (I'm an 80s girl so of course) -

3.     Christmas Wrapping - The Waitresses -

4.     Oh Hannaukah (Glee version - don't judge me) -

5.     Angels We Have Heard on High - The Piano Guys -  (I actually like the Indigo Girls version better but there's no video to share)

6.     Snoopy vs. The Red Baron - The Royal Guardsmen -

7.     Holy Night (cuz it's Josh Groban.  Again, no judging.) -

8.     Little Drummer Boy - Pentatonix -

9.     Horchata - Vampire Weekend -  (Not sure it’s a favorite but I like it)

10. Oi To The World – No Doubt -  (Again, I’m not sure it’s a real favorite but I’m having trouble coming up with 10).

I'm working on liking more.  Working on it.....I can listen to one or two songs on the Christmas-music-all-the-freaking-time channels.  Then the hives start breaking out and I change the station.  Baby steps...


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