Friday 5 - Why the last 24 hours have been stupendous

I write this while sitting in the dark at my ex's family's cottage in Sodus Point, NY.  I can hear the waves lap the shoreline on Lake Ontario.  I've been thinking all day about how incredibly lucky and grateful I am.  So many thoughts....only 5 things to list.

1.  I won't put down seeing my kids after a month.  That's a given.  I'll say seeing them sail by themselves in small little sail boats was pretty cool.

2.  Walking along the beach, just the three of us, looking for sea glass and fossils.  I hope they never forget this.  I won't.  This activity alone made my heart sing and made this day rank up there in my top 10 of all time.

3.  Watching the sun rise at 5:30 this morning (okay, it was sort of already up but that's as close as I'm going to get) and set again this evening.  Beautiful.

4.  Being in this odd little town.  I used to dread coming here.  Now I think of all the time I wasted in NOT coming when I had the opportunity.  We can walk everywhere.  My kids rode their bikes to camp ALONE.  People said "Good Morning!" to me when I walked by.  It's like a different time.

5.  Stars and Satellites.  They're everywhere here!  And I get to sit outside with my girls and count them.  So amazing.....


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