The Friday 5 - Movies!

I like going to the movies but I always forget that I do.  If someone suggests going to a movie, I'll go.  Rarely do I ever say "Hey!  Let's go to the movies!"  I should remember to do that more often.

The Friday 5's theme this week is movies.  My mind is racing!  But it's funny because M just asked me yesterday what my favorite movie was.  I couldn't come up with one.  I have a few:

1.  The Rocky Horror Picture Show - not because it's a great movie but because it shaped my life so much.  The experience of going - of fitting in! - was amazing.  I loved the freakiness of it all.  I still do!

2.  Rear Window - I wanted to be Grace Kelly.  She was beautiful, wore fabulous clothes - she was perfect.  I wanted Jimmy Stewart to rescue me.  I love this movie.

3.  The Sound of Music -  I wanted my mom to marry Christopher Plummer.  He was gorgeous - he had a bristle-ish exterior but then he melted and realized he loved Maria.....exactly as a fairy tale should be.

Also, I wanted to be Liesl.  I just didn't like her taste in boys.

4.  An Affair to Remember - I love whoever was the costume designer for this movie.  Deborah Kerr was beautiful.  I didn't quite get her reluctance to tell Cary Grant what happened - to let him go - but it was all beautiful.  Maybe I was born in the wrong time period.

5.  Casablanca - This is a perfect movie.  Everything about it.  It. Is. Perfect.  And it makes me want to eat Moroccan food.

There are other honorable mentions:

Willy Wonka.  I wanted to marry Gene Wilder.  And crash through a glass ceiling.  And punish people like Veruka Salt.

Shawn of the Dead - this is a new one for me.  I had never even heard of it before.  I watched it recently - now I'm hooked on Zombies!

A Dirty Shame.  This is a John Waters Movie.  'Nuff said.  Apparently if you like sex, you end up with a concussion.

Casino Royale - with Daniel Craig.  I'm new to the Bond franchise.  Oh, what have I been missing?  Yum!

Wow, I didn't know I liked so many movies.  I might need to watch one or two tonight.

Clever Compass' Friday 5


  1. "Casino Royale - with Daniel Craig."

    For a second, I was afraid you meant Casino Royale with Deborah Kerr and David Niven, and then we would have had to have words. But you didn't. Whew.

  2. I think I've seen that one, too. David Niven was debonair! And Deborah Kerr was, well, Deborah Kerr! But Daniel Craig wins. Sigh.....

  3. SUCH a great list of classics!! The music from Rocky Horror always makes me smile.

  4. Love your list! I like that you went a totally different route than Kelli and I.


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