
Showing posts from May, 2010


Goodbyes are never fun. There are many different kinds of them. There's the "see ya later" when we're leaving the mall variety. There's the "goodbye, my friend" to the person who makes me laugh most in the world and moves across the country. There's the "goodbye" that can't be spoken because sobs will happen in between glasses of sangria for a lost friend. There's the "goodbye, my heart is breaking" I feel when my kids are staying with their dad. So many kinds of goodbye, and none of them are good. I can live with the "see you laters" because I really believe I will see them later. I've learned from some of the other kinds that I shouldn't assume that. Now a lot of my goodbyes include more feelings, even a couple of "I love you"s. I think my showing of emotion is startling for some but I never again want to wonder if people know how I feel about them - especially when sometimes they're gone ...

The happy things that happen

Happy things happen when I least expect it. I like that. They're good little surprises that come just when I need it. I'm not sure who controls those things but I'm happy about it. Today started out pretty crappy. A grumpy client didn't help. A job that went over its end time also didn't help. Then good news arrives in the form of an email. It was very simple, really. A government office asking me for a price quote. Woo-freakin'-hoo. This is what I've wanted - real clients asking me to provide services for them. Awesome. One quick, two line email brought a happy cloud to me. Then it got even better. I got my first performing arts gig under CSL. AWESOME. And my partner in crime for this event, the amazing Reverend, is by my side in this endeavor. I'm pfp again. It's about time. I hope my happiness is contagious. He needs some, too. Sometimes happy things happen because someone in the universe knows you need it. Last week was a goo...