Welcome to my world. My name is Judi Rockhill and I’m a mom of 8 year old twin girls, a wife for over 10 years, a daughter and sister for over 40 years and a business owner for what seems like most of my life. I find striking a balance between all the facets of my life to be tough. There are days I do one or two parts of it really well and then there are days I do none of it well. My daily struggle is to make the majority of those parts successful.

I am struck by the number of working, married mothers that do this well. I am not one of them. Granted, I was born domestically challenged. Though my mother will deny it, I come upon this deficiency honestly. She believed in having a lot of fun instead of doing a lot of cleaning. I am carrying on this tradition. Give me a beautiful day and two choices: go to Chesapeake beach and search for shark’s teeth or rake up the huge amount of leaves in my yard. The beach always wins. Laundry will always lose. Laundry doesn’t get priority status until we’ve run out of underwear.

So how do you do it? Outsourcing is great. I tried that with laundry – and it was awesome for a while. For $1 per pound (with a 7 pound minimum), our local Laundromat will do my laundry for me. They do a better job of folding than I could ever hope to do. In fact, I don’t know how they do it the way they do. I can live with the incorrectly paired socks. I couldn’t live with the super strong smell of detergent. My great idea shot to hell. Well, really, only partially shot to hell. My husband likes the smell of the detergent so when the pile gets overwhelming, his and sometimes my kids’ laundry go to the cleaners. I can live with that. I would like to outsource the general cleaning of my house. But that means getting it organized first. Sigh. That takes a lot of time which would impede on my fun time. I’m also willing to outsource my cooking. I love Dream Dinners and other related meal preparation places. My freezer is small so I can’t do it regularly but it’s a fabulous, save-me-from-boring-meals time saver. Outsourcing is good.

Tell me your secrets. Tell me your tricks. If the theory of “it takes a village” to raise a kid is true, it must also apply to imperfect moms. It might just take a village to help me.

I did discover the most toxic yet effective way to eliminate mold from my bathroom. That made my day. So much for me being green.


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