
Showing posts from March, 2015

What happens next to WWJD?

I am lucky to have a friend who actually knows stuff about blogging.  Alissa over at  knows more about blogging than I ever will.  She gives me things to think about, advice when I need it and sits with me when I (very rarely) go to a blogging event.  She gave me something to think about about a year or two ago when we were at such an event.  Someone asked me what kind of blog I had and I answered the question with a blank stare.  Thankfully, Alissa answered for me: a lifestyle blog. How cool was that?  I write a lifestyle blog.  Who knew? Then I looked at stuff and realized that "online personal musing that appear randomly from my brain" isn't a category of blogging.  The first seed is planted. Jump forward a year or so to last week when Alissa sends me an email saying she received something from a WWJD and it was actually about Jesus and not me!  Surprising?  No.  Cause for thought? Ye...