
Showing posts from April, 2013

Judgy Judi

I wrote something on facebook that I have felt bad about since I hit that post  button.  This has taught me a few important lessons.  One, I need to recheck my internal censor button.  Two, I need to remember that the way something sounds in my head is not always the way a reader hears it.  Three, sometimes I need to shut up. What did I do, you ask?  I made a comment about "Jesus freaks". It was wrong to do for many reasons.  There are two parts that keep bugging me.  One, I offended some folks - something I would never intentionally do.  I like those people.  I respect their beliefs.  Yet based on what I wrote, they would never know that.  Two, I did exactly what I tell my kids not to do.  I judged folks based on looks (the crosses on their backs), not on knowing them.  I have been known to argue with my (atheist) boyfriend about his comments against those with religious beliefs but I just did the same thing! ...

Getting my priorities straight

This is me going on a rant aimed at myself.  Bear with me. I go to bed every day with a list of at least 27 things that were supposed to get done but didn’t.  And yeah, I know I waste a phenomenal amount of time doing things like checking facebook, playing words with friends and just being, well, me.  I usually accomplish quite a few things in day but I always go to bed feeling like I should have done more. I had one of those days last week.  But it was different because I ended the day sort of wanting to smack myself upside the head.  So this is me smacking myself. It was a busy day!  Work at one location which, thankfully ended early enough for me to run to the fabric store and get something so I can alter A’s dress that is needed for Saturday.  Back to work.  In between, a phone catch-up with a friend.  This is me multi-tasking.  Job two done.  Run home and respond to a few emails, fill a few jobs.  Kiss the g...

Tourists or Another MTM moment

I could write about everything I don't like about tourists in DC.  I could write about how they stand to the left on the metro escalators or how they block the doors.  Or how they can't figure out how to use a metro card.  Or how they can't park to save their lives. But I won't. Why?  Because I like living in a place people want to visit.  I was at Eastern Market yesterday and it took about 20 minutes to find a parking space.  Normally this would bug the shit out of me but it didn't.  First, I was with someone whose conversation kept me entertained.  Second, it was a beautiful day and my (new!) sunroof was open.  There were people everywhere. My friend, C, and I walked around the flea market part first.  It was crowded but everyone was in a good mood.  We made our way over to the other vendors and eventually into the market building.  I could smell the flowers, the food and things I couldn't readily identify....